Sequential Fiction is a weekly 45 minute long podcast dedicated to comics and pop cultureJoin Brian and Liam every Monday as they release a new episode talking about comics. The guys, and their occasional guests go off on frequent tangents about movies, video games, and occasionally graphic design.
Episode 52 – December Comics Previews
03/01/2017 Duration: 20minThis week on Sequential Fiction we say goodbye to 2016 and say hello to 2017 with Comic Picks of the Week, a look back at some of the prominent deaths in 2016, and a new pick for a show we think you should check out.
Episode 51 – Game Time Pokemon Go
21/12/2016 Duration: 01h21sThis week it's a Sequential Fiction - Game Time edition as Curtis Whithers and Brian talk about Lost Guardian, Overwatch's Christmas update, Destiny's winter update, our massive list of shame of games we haven't played yet, and FINALLY, Pokemon Go.
Episode 50 – Westworld
12/12/2016 Duration: 52minThis week on our show Brian and Liam are joined by special guest Brian Walker to talk about the smash HBO hit - Westworld. We talk about the music, the symbolism, and where it can go from here. PLUS, we talk three different comic picks of the week, and much more on this week's Sequential Fiction. SPOILER ALERT - We go deep at the 22 minute mark and there are spoilers ahoy!
Episode 49 – Ranking the 2016 Comic Movies
08/12/2016 Duration: 50minThis week on Sequential Fiction, Brian and Liam talk about the comic related movies of 2016, and talk about where the movies of 2016 rank for us. We also give a quick preview of 2017, talk about our comic picks of the week, and discuss some upcoming shows.
Episode 48 – November Comic Previews
16/11/2016 Duration: 20minOn the latest Sequential Fiction, we're talking about New Comic Previews from November 2016 for comics shipping in January 2017. Listen to what we think will be good, and let us know what you think looks great.
Episode 47 – LIVE From the Forest City Comicon!
07/11/2016 Duration: 51minThis week on our show, we talk about comic picks of the week, some comics news, and we feature two very special guests, London author Ryan McFadden and London graphic novelist Diana Tamblyn.
Episode 46 – 10 Scariest Movies
01/11/2016 Duration: 40minThis week on the show, we’ve got comic picks of the week, a little brainstorming around our Forest City Comicon appearance, and in honour of halloween, the ten movies that scared our pants off the most.
Episode 45 – Comic Previews and Doctor Strange!
24/10/2016 Duration: 41minThis week on Sequential Fiction, we're talking Comics Previews, we're talking Doctor Strange, we've got comic picks of the week, an update on the Forest City Comicon, and loads more!
Episode 44 – WoW, Destiny, and Game News
11/10/2016 Duration: 01h17minOn this episode of Sequential Fiction, Brian is joined by Curtis as they talk news, games, and go in depth on the latest expansions on World of Warcraft: Legion, and Destiny - Rise of Iron.
Episode 43 – Luke Cage and The Dead
03/10/2016 Duration: 56minThis week on our show, Brian and Liam are back together, and this time they're talking comics, games, Luke Cage, The Walking Dead, and a HUGE announcement.