PBE Podcast

Ep 2: Ph.D. with PBE



Episode 2 of our ongoing series of a Ph.D. with PBE is in the books. Skip’s traversing geology in the outback with the MagmaChem perspective and the belief to make a difference. We discuss one of the wildest rocks found in outcrop, a sandstone that’s been transformed into an iron-saturated masterpiece. That’s not even for his Ph.D. just outcropping adventures! What is his dissertation going to be on? He will unravel the history of the planet from the northern Bowen Basin to Tasmania. Answering the questions, how did these rocks form, when did they form, and of course, when and how did the valuable elements and minerals emplace themselves in the system? We’re on one hell of a ride with this guy! A massive undertaking, a journey into chaos, and the destination is unknown at this time.