Event Horizon

Ep 34 - My Theory On Entanglement



In Episode 34, I tackle entanglement and give you my theory (hypothesis) on how entanglement works. Have you ever wondered why you seem to be connected to some people? Do you wonder why they show up in the same places where you go even when you don't tell them where you are going? Have you ever wondered why certain places feel familiar to you even though you have not been to those locations? What if I said it was not a Coincidence but that it was Entanglement? What if you were entangled with those people at the quantum level? What if you were entangled with your past life so that you remember places and people that you have never met? I am crazy? Scientists are close to proving that birds use quantum entanglement to navigate the planet. Soviet Scientists in the 1960s claimed to have proven an established link between mothers and newborns when they measured the psychological changes to a mother rabbit when they killed her newborn. The mother rabbit was taken aboard a submarine a long distance away from