What The If?

CANCER Virus Hunters -- with Gregory J. Morgan!



Our guest is Gregory J. Morgan, an associate professor specializing in the history and philosophy of science at Stevens Institute of Technology. His newest book is “Cancer Virus Hunters: A History of Tumor Virology” from Johns Hopkins University Press Learn more about the book here: https://www.press.jhu.edu/books/title/11577/cancer-virus-hunters Visit Greg on Twitter: @DrGmorgan from the JHU Press website: “[Morgan’s] new book traces the history of the study of tumor viruses and its role in driving breakthroughs in cancer research. ”Worldwide, approximately one-fifth of human cancers are caused by tumor viruses, with hepatitis B virus and HPV being the leading culprits. While the explosive growth in molecular biology in the late twentieth century is well known, the role that the study of tumor viruses has played in driving many of the greatest breakthroughs is not. Without the insights gained by studying tumor viruses, many significant theoretical advancements over the last four decades in cellular and mo