Circulation On The Run

Circulation July 10, 2018 Issue



Dr Carolyn Lam:                Welcome to Circulation on the Run, your weekly podcast summary and backstage pass to the journal and its editors. I'm Dr Carolyn Lam, associate editor for the National Heart Center, and Duke National University of Singapore.                                                 How do resuscitation teams at top-performing hospitals for in-hospital cardiac arrest actually succeed? Well, to learn how, you have to keep listening to the podcast, because we will be discussing this right after these summaries.                                                 The first original paper this week tells us that recent developments in RNA amplification strategies may provide a unique opportunity to use small amounts of input RNA for genome wide-sequencing of single cells. Co-first authors, Dr Gladka and Molenaar, corresponding author, Dr van Rooij, and colleagues from Hubrecht Institute in Utrecht, the Netherlands, present a method to obtain high-quality RNA from digested cardiac tissue, from ad