Circulation On The Run

Circulation February 18, 2020 Issue



Dr Biykem Bozkurt: I am Biykem Bozkurt, Professor of Medicine from Baylor College of Medicine, Senior Associate Editor for Circulation and today, I'm joined with Sana Al-Khatib, Professor of Medicine from Duke University, Senior Associate Editor of Circulation, for the podcast for the fourth annual Go Red for Women issue for Circulation. As all our listeners are aware, cardiovascular disease is a leading cause of death among women, but we have significant gaps in our awareness and treatments, and with a recognition of these disparities for cardiovascular care in women, AHA has launched a Go Red for Women campaign back in 2004. We have made great strides, and despite the improvement in awareness, significant gaps persist and adverse trends are emerging for cardiovascular disease in women. With such recognition, in 2017, Circulation launched the annual Go Red for Women issue, dedicated to cover transformative science, exciting new treatment strategies, recent epidemiological trends, and with an intent to close