Logos Bible Study

Judas, the Betrayer (A Closer Look)



On Good Friday, we read the story of Judas betraying Jesus, of Jesus’ arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane, of his trial and of his crucifixion and death. Judas played a central role in the drama. Historically, Judas has been portrayed as the archetypical betrayer, a loyal follower who sold out his Lord for thirty pieces of silver. In the Divine Comedy, Dante places Judas in the very jaws of Satan in the ninth circle of hell. Yet, Judas was with Jesus for his entire three-year public ministry; he shared meals with Jesus; he witnessed Jesus’ teaching and preaching; and he saw the miracles Jesus performed. So, why would Judas betray Jesus? Thirty pieces of silver is mere pocket change. There must be more to it than that . . . Plus, Dr. Creasy answers listeners' questions: 1) I find the Holy Spirit to be a difficult concept to explain. Is the Holy Spirit an expression of God’s love for his Son and for us? Or is the Holy Spirit something else? Could you enlighten us on this? 2) Who compiled the Bible, a