Logos Bible Study

On the Road with Logos, Pt. 2 - Thessaloniki & Athens



Dr. Creasy and his intrepid Logos students arrive in Thessaloniki, the second largest city in Greece, where St. Paul had little success. St. Paul spent only three Sabbath days there . . . and he was chased out of town. Not to be discouraged, St. Paul, Silas, Timothy and Dr. Luke continue west across Macedonia, about 45 miles to Berea, a much smaller town. Here, the Bereans are much more accepting of St. Paul’s message, although, being more noble than the Thessalonians, they “checked the Scriptures every day to see if what St. Paul said was true.” And then the Thessalonian trouble makers show up . . . Dr. Creasy teaches live at St. Paul’s Square in Berea! After the Thessalonian mob caught up with St. Paul in Berea, Silas and Timothy put Paul on board a ship bound for Athens to save him from being stoned. Athens was well past its golden age of the 5th and 4th centuries B.C., but the patina of culture and learning still clung to its somewhat worn and faded image. When St. Paul entered the city, he took