Logical Evolution Podcast

Do you read all your email?



I have a question for you today that’s really an entrance point into a topic that’s very important when it comes to reaching your goals in the most efficient way. That question is: Do you read all your email? It seems that the answer to this tends toward the extremes. You look at someone’s phone, and you see that little envelope, and you see the little bubble of how many unread messages are there…On one hand you have the people that want to clear the bubbles out as soon as they appear so that every last thing is organized. I tend toward that. But then there’s the other person. When you look at their phone, you see tons of bubbles! You see the mail icon with 30,000 unread emails! If you are more of the first type, there’s something inside you that kind of freaks out a little bit! Right? We definitely have tendencies toward one or the other. There’s the person who wants to know everything that’s going on, who wants everything to be organized, wants everything to be in its place. And then there’s the person