Logical Evolution Podcast

#059: Digital Or Analog?



My question for you today is to consider whether you are a more analog or digital type of thinker. Do you approach life in a more analog or a more digital way? The difference between the two has to do with a mindset that recognizes a continuum or one that sees things as on or off. A digital approach is binary – so it’s on or it’s off, it’s 1 or it’s 0. Analog is capable of sending a signal of varying amplitude. I find that we (especially logical thinkers) tend to approach our lives in a more digital way, and we could benefit by moving more to the analog approach. I used to use the analogy of a rheostat for light when I taught yoga, because I found that a lot of people, especially logical minded people like myself approached things in a digital way. I also started my yoga practice like this, which is also how I approached other things in life – either I felt like I wasn’t doing it at all, or I was doing it ALL THE WAY. Like me when I started, I’d see people in my yoga class shaking with the sheer muscular