The Vital Veda Podcast: Ayurveda | Holistic Health | Cosmic And Natural Law

Mudra: The Sacred Secret to Draw Energy & Bliss From Within | Indu Arora #087



The ancient Vedic science of mudras is one that I’ve been inclined to explore for some time now. Mudras are much more than mere positions of hands or body parts that one can use to evoke a feeling or state of mind during meditation or yoga.They are intricate and deeply significant “body holds” that allow us to draw forth different energies from within ourSelves that ultimately lead us to our natural & innate state of bliss (sat-cit-ananda).For this episode I had the absolute pleasure to converse with Indu Arora. She is a powerful yogini and Ayurvedic Practitioner who has extensively studied and written about this ancient science of mudras. Get ready to explore with us a different and fresh side to Yoga; a side that is very rarely explained and presented in such a graceful, thorough & accessible manner.IN THIS EPISODE WE DISCUSS: