Rehabilitating Your Investment Portfolio

Stock Market Investing: New Rally Survives; Energy Leads; Precious Metals Begin



Sharing information that can protect capital & increase net worth Educating how to use the information to execute a winning strategy Join the ARMR Virtual Hedge Fund community and become an ARMR Insider today. Visit us at ARMR Algos: What they are saying about this attempted rally ARMR Portfolios Additions & Deletions ARMR Whiteboard Top Shelf for immediate review How to convert ARMR Report information into success: Conservative: The focus on Indexes has helped mitigate the risks. Still carrying healthy amounts of cash Balanced: Some cash on hand and the focus on Indexes and ETFs damps down the volatility as expected Aggressive: Trading aggressively with tight Stops. Must be willing to admit quickly if a trade/investment is wrong and react to protect capital Actively hedging risk during the day with VIXY helped as we took some Alpha out on the VIXY rip higher in the morning and sold at the top following ARMR Exit rules twice this week Q&A: As always, we will ded