What The If?

Quantum STEAMPUNK - With Theoretical Physicist Nicole Yunger Halpern!



Check out our membership rewards! Visit us at Patreon.com/Whattheif --- Our guest this week is the time traveling, super imaginative theoretical physicist Nicole Yunger Halpern with an explosive, super mind-bending, steam train chugging, atom smashing idea ripped straight from her new book: QUANTUM STEAMPUNK. Nicole asks, What the IF... The Victorians had become proficient in quantum science and used it in their technology? Get your cosplay game in full gear, throw on your steampipe top hat and your aviator goggles and let's find out what happens when steam and PUNK collide... for SCIENCE! Follow Nicole on Twitter @nicoleyh11 And check out her awesome book at https://quantumsteampunk.umiacs.io/book/ Nicole Yunger Halpern is a Fellow of the Joint Center for Quantum Information and Computer Science (QuICS), a theoretical physicist at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), and an Adjunct Assistant Professor at the University of Maryland. Nicole earned her Bachelors at Dartmouth Colle