Fabulous Fempreneurship

Business Networking for Women Entrepreneurs



Business Networking for Women Entrepreneurs is a great podcast episode, especially for those starting in entrepreneurship or their careers.   We learn from our expert Mark Herschberg how to network the right way.   Because, as Mark says, networking is relationship building for the long term and it is important to have the right people in your network. In this podcast you will discover What is the key to networking? How should people build their network? Who should be in your network? How do you build a relationship? When should people network? How are people doing it wrong? You talk about how people misuse the concept out networking in outreach, can you explain? You mention that everyone has something to offer in their network, can you explain how? Does that apply to students and junior employees? Why are introductions you make between others a powerful networking tool? What’s the proper way to make an introduction?