Circulation On The Run

Circulation February 1, 2022 Issue



Please join senior author Louise Olde Nordkamp, Editorialist Sana Al-Khatib, and Associate Editor Mark Link as they discuss the original research article Efficacy and Safety of Appropriate Shocks and Antitachycardia Pacing in "Transvenous and Subcutaneous Implantable Defibrillators: An Analysis of All Appropriate Therapy in the PRAETORIAN trial" and the editorial "Just When We Thought the Debate About the Value of Anti-Tachycardia Pacing Was Over Perplexing Results from the PRAETORIAN Trial Emerged." Dr. Carolyn Lam: Welcome to Circulation on the Run, your weekly podcast summary and backstage pass to the journal and its editors. I'm Dr. Carolyn Lam, your host and Associate Editor from the National Heart Center and Duke National University of Singapore. And as you can tell, I am sorely missing my co-host, Dr. Greg Hundley, who cannot make it today, but yet I am so excited to tell you about the wonderful papers in today's issue. Now, right after these summaries, we will be discussing appropriate shocks and anti