The Vital Veda Podcast: Ayurveda | Holistic Health | Cosmic And Natural Law

The Great Cholesterol Myth | Dietary Fat Overview | Dr. Jonny Bowden #052



Despite the science, the dogma remains pervasive. Thinking that cholesterol or fat causes heart diseases is dangerously falling into The Biggest Myth in medical history.Armed with hundreds of scientific references, Dr Bowden shows why the medical establishment’s embarrassing, and outdated theory that fat and cholesterol causes heart disease is completely wrong.You’ll learn the real promoters of heart disease and what you can do about them.This podcast is intended for anyone who is cautiously refraining from eating dietary fats because of belief or instructions from their doctor that fats causes heart disease and that cholesterol is bad.This podcast episode reveals the cold hard science and cuts through the crap to show you the definitive truth all about cholesterol, dietary fats and heart disease.Share this episode with your friend, relative, client or medical practitioner who is hesitating, even slightly, to consume dietary fats due to a dogmatic belief.IN THIS EPISODE WE DISCUSSThe medical establishment’s e