Mosaic Lincoln

PERILOUS JOURNEYS (WK 4): "Waiting, Ascending, Realigning"



We are in the unknown of the wilderness—        Discerning and working, seeking and dreaming.We are in the unknown of the wilderness—       Grieving and wondering, praying and hoping.We are in the unknown of the wilderness—       Longing and walking, creating and waiting.We are in the unknown of the wilderness, but we have not been alone; for God walks with us, every step of the way. So we will worship our God who walks with us in our darkest nights and our brightest days.---------May God’s love sustain you,And may you love those who surround you.May God’s Spirit empower you,And may you empower all those you meet.May God’s joy fill your hearts,And may this joy overflowTo the ends of the earth to bring God’s restoration to all things,Now and forever, Amen.