The Vital Veda Podcast: Ayurveda | Holistic Health | Cosmic And Natural Law

Energy, Fatigue & Auto-Immunity | Dr. Paul Anderson #051



Your energy levels are foundational to any health condition or state.Not only physical energy levels and fatigue, but also cellular energy - having the energy to perform all the crucial biological functions.Optimal energy for efficient cellular repair, replacement and anti-aging effort through preventing disease.Auto-Immunity is on the rise as our intelligence becomes more "mistaken" and we loose self-recognition of our own bodies.Luckily, there's a lot to be done to restore our bodily intelligence and harmony amongst our biological system.IN THIS EPISODE WE DISCUSSA morning practice to change your brain circuits to influence your energy levels for the day.Global energy of depression due to Covid-19Having energy “sucked out” of youWhere Does Physical Energy Come From In the Body?Metabolic Health and Energy LevelsThe Heart and it's many mitochondria and it's huge energy signature.Intermittent FastingWhat Causes Low Energy and Overall FatigueHow to Keep Your Energy In Instead of Letting