Circulation On The Run

Circulation October 06, 2020 Issue



Dr James de Lemos: Hello, my name is James de Lemos. I'm the executive editor for Circulation, and I'm delighted to be joined here by Tim Gardner professor of surgery at University of Pennsylvania and our long-term associate editor in charge of cardiac surgical content at Circulation; and Marc Ruel, who is professor of cardiac surgery at University of Ottawa and the chair of the department there and who for many years has led the cardiac surgery supplement issue. Mark, Tim, welcome. Marc, please introduce this issue for our listeners. Dr Marc Ruel: Thanks so much, James. It's a very exciting year academically for cardiac surgery. We've had a lot of great developments from new data on long-term patency and outcomes with radial artery graphs through the results of the ischemia trial. And I think the 2020 themed issue around cardiovascular surgery is exactly in that framework. I think it will garner wide interest. It has a number of original papers, six original research articles, two more translational papers