Rehabilitating Your Investment Portfolio

Stock Market Investing | Fed Week | Pot Stocks | Top Stocks to Watch



The ARMR Report is not an absolute. It was created to offer a guide and to share critical information about risk management & fundamental upside capture. The ARMR Report is for the individual taking on the monumental task of managing his/her own assets This investor understands the value of information & the importance of learning how to get it. Take the ARMR Report and make it your own. Stock Market Action: Fed week is always eventful & this week more than most as we all wait for Taper talk. A review of the price charts of TLT XLU UUP GLD SLV is in order. The big question to answer: Will gamma / vanna behavior post Op Ex rule the day or will "this time be different" [Hint: Sept 30th carries a lot of risk muting vanna flows] Portfolio Positioning: Risk Monitor Red precludes us from adding new investments but that doesn't mean we stop researching. Here is a list of Top Shelf ARMR Whiteboard names to watch: PLTR U ABNB AVGO CRM AMAT AMD/XLNX FOCS ENTG DVAX XLE XOP DIS NFLX KMI WMB OKE ENB Q&