Fabulous Fempreneurship

Owning Your Voice



Owning your voice both figuratively and physically is the topic of this podcast with guest expert, Galit Ventura-Rozen.  Galit is a well known speaker appearing on ABC, NBC and Fox, but she literally lost her voice when she was young when she had a nodule on her voicebox.  Electing not to have surgery she has had to accept that the voice she has is the one that she will use forever.  As a sales success expert,  Galit also empowers women to find their own voice to maximize their growth potential. In this podcast you will learn: 1. The time when Galit lost her voice. What was that like? 2. How has that impacted her career? 3. What is the Million Dollar Mindset? 4. How did Galit use this mindset to grow her own business? 5. What's one of the biggest trials she's had to overcome as an entrepreneur? 6. If she could go back and tell the girl who didn't have a voice one thing, what would it be?