Wild Research Bites - A Podcast From Slu

Episode 5 - Women in science



In this episode, we discuss the topic of women in science, the importance of female role models and the event Soapbox Science. With me is Judith Felten, associate senior lecturer at UPSC, who talks about her experiences as a presenter last year at the international event Soapbox Science in Umeå, and her expectations for this year. Soapbox science is a platform for promoting women scientists and the science they do by following the London Hyde Park's Speaker's Corner format (i.e standing in public on a box talking without a microphone or other forms of digital aid). There will be 12 presenters talking about topics ranging from forests, pregnancy, fish, antibiotic, genetics and more. Our second guest is Navinder Singh, one of the organizers and associate professor at SLU, who tells us more about the vision of Soapbox science and the thoughts that lead to initiating this international event in Umeå. During 2019 Soapbox science will have 42 events in 13 countries from May to October. The event in Umeå is the 18th