America Adapts - The Climate Change Podcast

Year in Review: America Adapts, Top 5 Climate Stories of the Year and Climate Change goes to the Movies!



Donate to America Adapts (We are now a tax deductible charitable organization!) Subscribe to America Adapts on Itunes It’s the final episode of America Adapts for 2017! In this edition, Doug highlights the first six months of the podcast and thanks his many supporters and listeners.  The podcast features Dan Ackerstein (from Ackerstein Sustainability) and regular contributor,  Tim Watkins.  Tim, Doug and Dan list their top 5 climate change stories of the year. It’s been a very eventful year for climate change and America Adapts discusses with humor and urgency.  The conversation takes an unusual turn for the podcast:  America Adapts goes to the Movies! Dan and Doug discuss how climate change has been portrayed in Hollywood, using 4 examples, and identifying the likelihood of the stories and the soundness of the science within the movies. It’s a funny, informative conversation to close out the year.  Additional Show notes: Movies quotes from the podcast can be found here and here. Dan Ackerstein is a founding