Between The Gutters Podcast

Episode 9 - Comics We Liked When We Were Kids (We Ain't Kids No More)



Between the Gutters welcomes our good friend and ally Zach Hanna. In this special episode, we take a break from the top 25 Marvels and simply discuss comics we liked when we were kids. This is a thematic follow-up to episode 5 when we had Sheynis on our show to talk about how we got into comics. Here, it's about the comics we liked when we were young lads, and how our tastes have evolved with age... We ain't kids no more, so what runs through our minds when we look back at the stuff we used to love? Keep in mind that kids eat paste... Anyway, we hope you enjoy this episode. Feel free to hit us up if you want to share your experiences and thoughts! You can email us at, tweet at us @btweentheguttrs, or leave a comment on the track! We're also on Instagram: