What The If?

15 - Dark Matter: You're Soaking In It!



Love the show? Click here to give a 1-click iTunes rating: http://getpodcast.reviews/id/1250517051 Thanks! Listen for End-Of-The-Episode Shoutouts! We salute our most dedicated Twitter followers... listen for your name! We continue to be riveted to the exciting news from LIGO about the incredible field of gravitational astronomy bursting upon the world. Being able to FEEL the gravitational waves of the universe have revealed an entirely new vision of gargantuan structures and epic events happening all over the sky, all the time. It's a true 'revelation'. What FUTURE revelations await our discovery? What new views of the universe? What new realms? Strange forms of matter and energy? DARK MATTER looms over us, and below us, and through us... but we know very little about it. It's not even really "dark" -- it's INVISIBLE, but it's so huuuuuuuuge we can see and feel how it bends the the fabric of the universe all around it with unimaginable gravitational strength. But, hey, that's a weird thing. I can't get