What The If?

The ARTISTS Behind NASA's Artist Depictions!



Incredible guests this week! World famous space science artists DON DAVIS and PAMELA LEE join us to imagine getting to do their masterful artistry while on location at… THE CENTER OF THE GALAXY. Comets! A Supermassive Black Hole! Astronauts taking selfies! And YOU, a great illustrator, capturing the whole scene with your ART. NASA may turn to artists to give them a depiction of what that place may look like, but we turn to them for an ADVENTURE! We’re also joined by the great documentary filmmaker BRETT BONOWICZ who is producing a magnificent ongoing series of short documentary called ARTIST DEPICTION in which he is crafting lovely autobiographical films with Don, Pamela, and many other of the most influential artists who create all those inspiring and educational images you see from NASA! Check out the ARTIST DEPICTION Series, including the episodes with Don Davis and Pamela Lee here: https://www.clindar.net/artistdepiction --- Special thanks to Kyle Crichton, Howard Zheng and Illia Zheng for their help