What The If?

The PERFECT Planet!



Looking for the most ideal planet to inhabit, ya know in case ours goes belly up? Look no FURTHER! This week's WHAT THE IF? Will tell us where we can find the PERFECT Planet! The article discussed in this episode is called "Scientists discover 24 'superhabitable' planets with conditions that are better for life than Earth. By Aisha Zahid, news reporter https://news.sky.com/story/scientists-discover-24-superhabitable-planets-with-conditions-that-are-better-for-life-than-earth-12091801 BETTER?! Could it be like Hawaii, or could it be like the Arctic? Well, let's find out! — Got an IF of your own? Want to have us consider your idea for a show topic? Send YOUR IF to us! Email us at feedback@whattheif.com and let us know what's in your imagination. No idea is too small, or too big! --- Special thanks to Kyle Crichton and Howard Zheng for their help with the show. --- Want to support the show? Click a rating or add a review on Apple Podcasts or your favorite podcast app! itunes.apple.com/podcast/id1250