What The If?

WTIF News - Covid Wears A MINK Coat!



The CNN headline reads “An Oregon mink farm has reported a Covid-19 outbreak”. Does Covid suddenly have a lust for high fashion outerwear? How’d the mink get infected? Can they return the favor and send the virus back into humans? Are bats trying to win the public relations battle? Gaby gets into the science and the strategy of the virus and reveals the biological battle to destroy the Covid’s crown, the spikes! Every week, Rockefeller University Virologist GABY PANICCIA explores the science behind the headlines. More info at RockEDU: rockedu.rockefeller.edu and covid-19-research.rockefeller.edu Read the CNN article: https://www.cnn.com/2020/11/28/us/oregon-mink-farm-covid-19-outbreak-coronavirus-trnd/index.html Don’t own any mink, but wondering if COVID-19 can infect your pets? - Meet the Hong Kong Pomeranian that started it all: https://time.com/5796510/dog-coronavirus-animal-covid/ - Here are also some new developments on the situation concerning this recently famous dog: https://time.com/5805524