What The If?

Microbreweries on MARS! - With CHRIS CARBERRY of the SPACE DRINKS Association!



Chris Carberry is back with more tales from the research labs where spirits are being crafted for... SPACE! And we're not just limited to one industry on this show, Chris introduces us to the exciting, burgeoning world of SMALL BUSINESS in space! Entrepreneurs big and small have opportunities for getting into the space race, and doing their part to invest, invent, and innovate our way to Mars and the stars. Every aspect of life outside of Earth is ripe for your imagination and creativity, learn how you can join in! --- Chris is the CEO of EXPLORE MARS and author of the awesome book, ALCOHOL IN SPACE... Join us for a fun and fabulous Happy Hour on Mars! * * * LEARN MORE about the Space Drinks Association: http://spacedrinks.space SIGN UP for The Mars Innovation Forum, sponsored by Explore Mars: https://www.exploremars.org/mars-innovation-forum/ CHECK OUT Chris' book: https://www.amazon.com/Alcohol-Space-Past-Present-Future-dp-147667924X/dp/147667924X/ref=mt_other?_encoding=UTF8&me=&qid= FOLLOW Chris o