What The If?

YOUR Personal Role In Space Exploration — w/The PLANETARY SOCIETY’s Casey Dreier



NASA just announced a new mission to VENUS... how'd that happen? Did you know that you can play a role in exploring space? Yep. With a simple phone call you can keep space missions alive, and growing, and exploring! WHO YA GONNA CALL? The hardest working man in planetary politicking is here to show us how: CASEY DREIER, The Planetary Society's Senior Space Policy Advisor and Chief Advocate. A lot of people don't know that ROCKETS are PEOPLE powered, and you play a role in lighting the fuse, should you choose to do so. Your passion, when conveyed to your government representatives, is an essential ingredient in getting our craft to land on other worlds. Casey shows us how easy it is, and how important. Democracy to the solar system, you can help! Give a listen, and tell us your ideas for citizen participation in the greatest endeavor citizens have ever taken. * * * Learn more about The PLANETARY SOCIETY and how you can join them on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC for their annual DAY OF ACTION at Planetar