Who Knows?

S2 Episode 1: "Roommates" with Maria Wurttele



On the first episode of Season 2, Maria Wurttele and I talk about relationships with roommates. How to make them better, insight on how to handle when they aren't going well, and things to consider in working to make your cohabitation a positive experience you and your roomies! We also share some of our favorite wild roommate stories.   Where to find out more about Maria: Website: https://www.wurttele.com/ Instagram: @mariawurttele   If you’d like to work with us, contact us at podcastwhoknows@gmail.com. We love partnering with small businesses like ours!   Wanna get a shoutout on the pod? Leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and we’ll give you a shoutout--we might even read your review!   If you want to be featured on the pod, send us a voice memo or letter! We welcome questions you have for us, insight on topics we’ve covered, and tips for our listeners! Write us or record a voice memo and send it to podcastwhoknows@gmail.com.   For bonus info and behind the scenes, visit our website. There, you’ll find all