Alive With Purpose

123. 3D Relationships



Something I notice when coaching people on their relationship, especially when they are having negative feelings about their partner is that they often think of their partners more like a 2D cardboard cut out rather than an evolving complex person. When we reduce another person in our mind to a bundle of qualities it is a way of thinking we have them all figured out. Not only does this end our curiosity abut them, but it can actually block you from seeing where they are growing and changing. Today I will give you a tool to help you take your partner out of 2D in your mind and see them in 3D. When you learn this you will be able to: stop jumping to conclusions with your partner bring back more mystery in your relationship enjoy getting to know your partner as a dynamic human  stop treating them like a cardboard cutout Check out the show notes for the detailed instructions for how to use this tool here: If you love today's episode