
Hit a Home Run with Your Niche Marketing with Pete Dupuis



“If you’re a generalist, you’re a specialist to no one.” Sound familiar? Defining and dominating your niche market can be difficult. This week, Pete Dupuis, Co-Founder of Cressey Sports Performance, joins us to discuss niche marketing. Pete shares how he chose his niche in the baseball space and the mindset that led to massive success for his business. If you’re struggling to go all in with your niche, this is the episode for you. Make sure you follow Pete on Instagram and Twitter @pete_dupuis and check out his blog at BobbleOn is a system to help businesses increase revenue, build a healthy culture, and create accountability throughout their organization. Here’s how it works: 1) Schedule your call ( 2) Customize your strategic plan and workshops 3) Exceed your goals with a focused and unified team. #BobbleOn