
Five Steps to Overcome Life's Greatest Challenges



Everyone can relate to the idea of overcoming significant challenges—both personal and professional. The kind of challenges that life only throws at you two or three times—challenges like losing a family member, going through a legal battle with a business partner, or experiencing financial ruin in your business. The way you deal with a challenging experience determines who you become afterward, and how much you grow. In this solo podcast, Matt talks about the five steps he took to overcome one of his greatest challenges in life: going through a divorce. The process allowed Matt to think bigger, live in the present, and run towards greater challenges. Try these steps in your own life so you can come out tough times stronger than before. BobbleOn is a system to help businesses increase revenue, build a healthy culture, and create accountability throughout their organization. Here’s how it works: 1) Schedule your call ( 2) Customize your strategic plan and workshops 3) Exceed your g