Salem Baptist Church

A Mighty Fortress is Our God



Psalm 46 is more famous than most, and a favorite for many. This beautiful little wisdom Psalm is transcendent in scope. It reaches down through the ages with truth and assurance that every generation needs to hear. First, it thrills us, because it is an awe-inspiring declaration of the ever-present help of God! Second, it also served as Martin Luther’s inspiration for the amazing “hymn of the Reformation,” A Mighty Fortress is Our God. Today, God invites us into His “city,” to take refuge and find joy. Come and bask in the safety and delight of being an inhabitant of the mighty fortress of God. A fortress not built by human hands, but built by the power of God and inhabited by the faith of His people! Sola Scriptura, Sola Fide, Sola Gratia!