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PETER SHANKMAN | How to Win Over Customers, Clients and Employees #005



Peter Shankman, is an author, a consultant, and an entrepreneur with three companies and multimillion dollar exits under his belt (founder of HARO). He speaks to companies all around the world about how to provide amazing customer service. And his newest book, “http://www.amazon.com/Zombie-Loyalists-Using-Service-Create/dp/1137279664 (Zombie Loyalists: Using Great Service to Create Rabid Fans)”. He’s a marketing pundit frequently quoted in major media and trade publications, including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Los Angeles Times, The New York Daily News, The Associated Press, Reuters and USA Today. We discuss the importance of customer service, how we all expect to be treated like crap, and how companies can succeed simply be doing just a little bit better than what customers expect. “You don’t have to find your inner tiger, just suck a little less…” On this show, you’ll discover how to win over customers, clients, and employees. In This Episode, Yo