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VIVEKA VON ROSEN | How to use LinkedIn most effectively #014



Viveka Von Rosen is the author of “http://www.amazon.com/LinkedIn-Marketing-Viveka-von-Rosen/dp/1118358708/ref=la_B0089G64D4_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1448830536&sr=1-1 (LinkedIn Marketing: An Hour a Day)”. She’s known internationally as the “LinkedIn Expert” is CEO of Linked Into Business, also hosts the biggest LinkedIn chat on Twitter and co-moderates LinkedStrategies, the largest LinkedIn strategy group on LinkedIn. Forbes has listed her as a top social media influencer for three years running, and she has been cited in CNN, Forbes, Mashable, Bloomberg, and Social Media Examiner, just to name a few. We discuss how to best leverage your Linkedin account and the wisdom of asking others for help. In This Episode, You’ll Discover: How 98% of HR professionals check your LinkedIn profile first Find what is the cost of inaction is How you’re doing damage to your personal brand and/or business The ability to create, leverage, and maximize the LinkedIn Groups feature Why you should only do w