Rehabilitating Your Investment Portfolio

Stock Market Investing(2020): [Major Change to Portfolio Allocation]



Become an ARMR Insider: Week in Review: ARMR Risk Monitor turned Green on 9/28/20 and turned YELLOW: Manage Success Mode on 10/9/20. This week we switched to Risk Management Mode. I will explain why. Risk Monitor GREEN = Add Risk Mode Risk Monitor YELLOW = Manage Success Mode Risk Monitor RED = Manage Risk Mode ARMR Report 3 Model Portfolios: ARMR Index Only: As of 9/28/20 75% Long; 25% Cash = This is an ARMR Algo driven portfolio and doesn't react at all to news cycle ARMR Aggressive: 50% Long; 50% Cash =This portfolio mirrors my own account and follows the ARMR Investing Way ARMR Conservative: 35% Long; 65% Cash = As the name suggests we follow the same ARMR Investing Way principles but use a more conservative structure Review Market index levels that are key to this Risk On entry: SPY DIA QQQ IWM MTUM VLUE FFTY Precious Metals update key levels to watch: Op ex 27th & major changes to ARMR Precious Metals positions ARMR Chart Chat: A br