Trucker Dump - A Trucking Podcast

TD068: This Is the Life. We All Have to Be Somewhere. This Is My Life. A Guest Post by Jean McHarry



This first-ever guest blog/podcast expands on the subject of the podcast/blog called "Riding Along with a Trucker," which was about riding with a trucker, but not actually driving. That's the one that @luv18wheels helped me with. Since I've never been in this position, I called in some additional outside help from the infamous @raysunshine on Twitter. Other links for Jean are Facebook or you can contact her at if you have questions for her. And for the record, I asked her to record her voice reading her post but the big wuss wanted no part of it. Chicken! LOL Got a second to Rate and/or Review the podcast? Download the intro/outro songs for free! courtesy of Walking On Einstein. Mystery Feedback Song - Only a cheater would click this before listening to the podcast! You aren't a cheater, are you?