I wish I was taught that at school

CHALK TALK - 'Oh, sorry!' Do you OVER apologise?



Have you ever noticed how often people apologise for seemingly insignificant events? There is certainly a place for genuine and sincere apology. However, when you begin apologising out of reflex for things you have little control over, does this begin to do more harm than good? We are talking about things like being bumped by someone, sneezing in public, or standing in the way.Evelyn shares an example of over apologising on the netball court that sparked her thinking and the theme of this Chalk Talk.If you know a psychologist, psychotherapist, or other expert who can shed some light on this topic, we would LOVE to hear from them!Don't forget to follow us on our socials:Website: https://withevelynandemily.com/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/withevelynandemily/Instagram: @withevelynandemilyEmail: info@withevelynandemily.comEvelyn's Instagram: evelynclark_financeEmily's Instagram: emily_wallace_ba