I wish I was taught that at school

CHALK TALK - School teaches HOW to learn, not WHAT to learn



Alright, here it is, Evelyn's slightly controversial opinion that school does teach you something very important, but it's not what you're expecting!We get it. The content you learn at school is not going to be implementable in everyone's day-to-day lives. However, what is, are the habits and work ethic you form.The mindset behind what you're learning (not the 'what' itself) is crucial to success.Don't forget to follow us on our socials:Website: https://withevelynandemily.com/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/withevelynandemily/Instagram: @withevelynandemilyEmail: info@withevelynandemily.comEvelyn's Instagram: evelynclark_financeEmily's Instagram: emily_wallace_ba