Thyroid Nation Radio

McCall's Personal Thyroid Journey & How She Got to The Other Side



In todays podcast we present to you the one and only McCall McPherson, your fearless leader and Chief-Hope-Giver. Today you will accompany her, step by step, as she goes through and retells her story of suffering, treatment and finally resolution of her thyroid symptoms. You will see why getting her thyroid labs were the first step in her getting her life back. Many of you will sympathize as you, too, have experienced or are in this journey. Many of you will be filled with hope as you see that there is another way out- a way that that ends your suffering and gives you your life back. Take a seat, sit back and enjoy this podcast and hear why #ThereIsNoReasonToStillHaveThyroidSymptoms! In case you're not yet familiar with McCall McPherson, she is the founder of Modern Thyroid Clinic, a thyroid-centered functional medicine practice in Austin, Texas, the now owner and Chief-Thyroid-Hope-Giver of Thyroid Nation. She is a physician assistant, recentTEDx speaker and a thyroid expert by way of being a thyroid patie