Synergy Mindset Coaching

Business Mom’s Mind Dump



Take control of your thoughts, reduce your stress and flourish in this season of life.   School is back and for us Professional Mom’s it can be a time of stress or joy. It’s a lot of jugging time; making lunches, putting on make up, getting kids off to school, arranging afterschool care, commuting to our work or business, answering emails and phone calls, fulfilling our duties, picking up our kids, organizing drop off and pick up for activities, helping with homework, eating dinner together, spending time with our family, reading and getting our kids to bed followed by balancing the last couple of hours between finding some self-care time, reading or going to bed early so we may rise early to start our morning with a workout or prayer time.   It’s all in this video, if you would prefer the fun song that was so famous a few years back.   Now, what if your mind is wandering all over the place while you are navigating through all these activities. Your putting on your makeup and thinking about what you n