Synergy Mindset Coaching

Mindset Monday for Frustrated Dads



This post is for the secondary parent that struggles with feeling stress, fear and anxiety when being left alone with their children. In many cases it is Dad, and for the purposes of this article, I will refer to Mom as the primary parent and Dad as the secondary yet acknowledge that in 2019 there are many different combinations of parenting. My kids range from graduated to elementary school age and I have been supporting my daughter raising her child as a single Mom for almost two years now. I can't even begin to tell you how much I have learned and I am excited to share it with you because I have seen far too many Dad's in my 18 years of being a parent, check out because they don't feel valued, equipped or capable of being a Dad. Can you be a good Dad? This is the very question that Dale Carnage was asked over and over again about the topic of being a public speaker, and he answered them, I know you can. What is the difference of being a Dad and a good Public Speaker, Businessman, or CEO? Comfort, expe