Rehabilitating Your Investment Portfolio

Stock Market Investing: Investing Rules of the Road #10



The ARMR Report covers Stock Market investing through the millennial lens. Today's focus:To paraphrase John C. Reilly (Cedar Rapids) 'I've got tiger scratches all over my back from 30 years in this business' and I'm going to take my experience and help you all learn to "dance with the tiger." Bottom line: Rules of the Road #10 There will be days when a Risk On portfolio will experience a red screen during an uptrend. This is necessary for further upside. Best to walk away from the screen and relax. Think of Rome and the proverbial day. Bonus: I'm going to cover the LEVI and GTII (GTBIF) earnings calls This isn't your Dad's stock market and it certainly isn't your Granddad's. This is the millennial market and it requires millennial tools to excel. We will be sharing with you information directly off our trading desk with a focus on the interaction between traditional fundamental analysis and millennial execution. We begin each show by grinding the news of the day grist through the algorithmic mill. Our de