Lets Ask The Angels!

Stress Free Holidays with the Angels and Archangels! Yes - Really!



Welcome to November's shows on 'Let's Ask the Angels'! The topic for the month  of November is "Embrace Your Radiance". Your radiant self shines light on all that is good, abundant and divine. Allow the angels to support you in fully accessing your radiant self! Join me on my special show about how to have stress free holidays through te New Year! Yes! With the support of your angels and archangels learn how to experience this holoday season with lightness and peace! Yes, really! I am your host Barbara Calvano, Spiritual Intuitive, Certified Angel Card  Reader tm and Life Coach.  Join me each Saturday at 4pm EST on  my one hour show where I share about connecting with the angels, living life wth grace and ease! This week I will be  channeling a weekly reading from the  Archangel Oracle Cards deck by Doreen Virtue. Call in for a reading at 424-675-6837. For more info see www.bcalvanocoaching.com Join my email list at my website to receive my free weekly angel readings!  Facebook Bcalvanocoaching For in