Lets Ask The Angels!

Weekly Angel Message for July 13 through 19 from Archangel Michael



Hello! This week I am guided to create a 15 minute podcast of the week's angel messages! This week I am using the Archangel Michael Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue. We have the message, "Your Inner Guidance is Real and Trustworthy". What guidance and messags have you been receiving recently? It's definitely time to begin taking actions on them.  Even if it's a tiny step! In addition to the weekly message I  will be sharing some examples of how I did this in the past and it created whole new exciting openings in  my life! Have a truly blessed week! Angel light and live, Barbara www.bcalvanocoaching.com   For more information about  my Angel Card Readings and Life Coaching Services. Bcalvanocoaching on Facebook     Bcalvanocoach on Twitter