Lets Ask The Angels!

Your Angels Are Speaking to You - Are You Listening?



Join me Saturday, August 22nd  at 4pm EST on Let's Ask the Angels on BlogTalk Radio. This week I will be talking about HOW TO HEAR YOUR ANGELS. I will also share the upcoming  weekly oracle  card reading. This week I was guided to use the  Mermaids and Dolphins Oracle Cards deck  by Doreen Virtue. Call in at 424-675-6837 for a reading. Stay connected: Follow me here on BlogTalk for the lastest updates Follow me at Bcalvanocoaching on Facebook for Angelic support Subscribe by email to receive my weekly  angel messages with photos of the cards and  information about my upcoming events Angels singing with love, Barbara  www.bcalvanocoaching.com      Empowering Mind Body Spirit Intuitive Readings      Angel Therapy Healings      Life Coaching