Lets Ask The Angels!

Dealing with Life's Changes : Support from Your Angels



Join me Monday, October 26th at 1pm EST on Let's Ask the Angels.  My short topic this week is 'Dealing with  Life's Changes with the Support of the Angels'.  Change is inevitable but made much easier with the help of the Angels.  I will be sharing the weekly angel messages from the Goddess Guidance Oracle cards by Doreen Virtue.The call in number is 424-675-6837  to listen in or for your questions or  reading. Have a beautful week!  Angel blessings!  Barbara www.bcalvanocoaching.com Facebook Bcalvanocoachng Twitter Bcalvanocoach For information on booking an angel card reading  session with me contact me at bcalvano-coaching@usa.net or see Services at my website www.bcalvanocoaching.com