Southeast Green - Speaking Of Green

EcoDenizen - Designing and Shopping Sustainably



Gene Cox is a Metro Atlanta native.  He is a graduate of Woodward Academy High School in College Park, Georgia and Loyola University in New Orleans, Louisiana.  He has 17 years of experience as a Television News anchor and reporter working in numerous cities including Indianapolis, Cincinnati and Knoxville, Tennessee.  In 2010 Gene chose to create a new career path after being inspired by William McDonough's book Cradle To Cradle.  He now is a co-owner of Eco Denizen, an eco-minded gift shop and renovation design studio at 10th and Peachtree in Midtown.  Gene's wife earned a masters degree in architecture and she manages the design and LED lighting retrofit side of Eco Denizen's operation.  Gene is professionally accredited by the United States Green Building Council as a LEED Green Associate.